These sections can either be super anti-climactic or totally exasperating...I'll try and make this one neither:
This idea for a music blog was seeded shortly after I began to realize something about my love of music and how I wanted to go about expressing it. Properly.
I had tried to do what many who love music so strongly do...
Start or join a band. That took about 3-4 years of try after try.
I didn't give up either. I was stubborn as heck about it.
Even got into a nifty little deathcore project for a short while (from Sept. 2016-Feb. 2017). Playing bass. It was the bee's knees, honestly.
I was also the merch person for a local metalcore act from about late 2014 through mid 2017, until the band completely fell through...
I learned a lot about both the positive and negative aspects of what it's like to be in or be associated with "one of the bands."
It had been a "dream come true," of sorts...
Fast forward to roughly a year later (2018), and I am back at it again.
This time trying to form my own metal/hardcore fusion outfit with one of my (now ex) buddies and someone we had both befriended at the time.
We, again, ran into snag after snag...delay after delay...that's when I started doing what I knew how to do best in stressful, uncertain times:
Pray, then meditate on it thereafter.
Upon my communion with the Most High, the answer came to me the best way He knew how to deliver it...through music.
I was listening to a band called The Ghost Inside at work one day (whilst lending my hand at a boat factory up in Northwestern Indiana), and their song "Dear Youth (Day 52)" came on. The lyrics (which I had heard previously so many times before) that struck me to my core were:
"So I said goodbye \ It's just a memory that hasn't come to be
But I recognize \ That if you're on the right track
But catch the wrong train \ Nothing ends the same..."
Oh... my... God... quite literally.
I had to visit the bathroom to sit down.
A powerful quake of realization shook me.
I was on the right track with my passion the whole time...
Just riding the wrong train! Repeating a vicious cycle of unknowing that I was only ever keeping myself stuck in.
Until...God told me to get out.
Pick up my pen (or keyboard, what-have-you), and write...
Alas, I'm not trying to make this my spiritual blog. but my music blog.
Though if you come to know me at all, you will understand that music in and of itself is a very important, necessary spiritual experience for me.
So the God talk is gonna peek through. If you can't be okay with that, do respectfully close the tab and move on with your day. Believe in what you must, but we can talk about that outside of this forum.
I simply ask that you bring one thing and one thing only to my blogspot:
That's what's going into it, so that's what I'd like to see come out of it.
My ultimate aspiration as a writer is to become a successful Music & Concert Biographer. Yes, specifically for the music and folks I love most, but also just for music and those involved with it in general.
What it can do for people. How it can change people. Heal people...
That said, I welcome you, my fellow Moved, to my blog experience!
Thank you for being here, and being a part of this community.
Here, you are among those who understand what it's like when your life and your music library coincide. Hope you enjoy the content!
P.S. I'm also prone to enjoying walks, hikes, a rich cup o’ coffee, a nice nap, sensational musings, unceasing prayer, meditation, a lively campfire, and warm, star-riddled night skies. Now...let's talk music!