Getting to see ‘68 live was an incredible experience, to put it ever-so plainly. They have this sort of iridescent surge of sound that they describe as, “a little rock, a little blues, a little hardcore…” and a whole lotta badassery. I wish I could rant off a song-by-song reflection of their performance but, alas, I cannot. Mostly because I was trying to be one of those “in-the-momenters” (they definitely played their cover of Summertime Blues, which is indeed one of my personal faves). They were loud, they were happy to be there, and they absolutely blew what was left of the roof off of The Radio Room.
What’s even more exciting are the two local acts that totally revved up the sold out crowd for ‘68 to continue melting face. Just before the headliners themselves was a powerhouse of ravenous punk rock n’ roll, Luxx. Though their lead singer Ganon emphatically proclaimed, “Rock is dead!” in the midst of their set, it was only dead (specifically in that moment) because they obliterated it with their tenacious, down-right gritty soundscape. Which consists of many rock elements but is not a slave to the rock sound like many radio-worn mainstreamers.
Before Luxx came Ill Intentions, whose vivacious sound possesses a whirling ball of elastic surf-rock, punchy grunge-driven riffage, and a tribal-like, pounding hardcore grooves. Equally matched by their ecstatic stage presence and snarky quibs. “Who’s excited to see Luxx?!” Their guitarist yells into his mic as quite a few woo’s echo through the crowd… “Shut up, no you’re not!” Perhaps it was a very momentary thing, but the way he said it was hilarious and you could tell he was purely joking. Especially since the crowd only kept bobbing back and forth during both sets.
This is a bit of a shorter post and a very hashed recounting of what really was one HECKUVA rock show. But the lasting resonance that it has will stick with me and everyone else who was in attendance that night for quite some time. The atmosphere was pure magic and held a comradery between contemporaries that you should only always see in “this scene.” Each band that performed, whether they were the two openers who have probably played The Radio Room countless times or the headliner that just came off of two epic back-to-back cross-country tours, had the type of energy that sonically and soulfully creaks windows and blasts bricks from their foundation. These bands were there to play together and have a stellar time doing it. You could tell. All I have to say is:
“Mission accomplished.”
I was gonna share a few screenshot stills of some videos I took but they turned out kind of crappily...you can find the videos on my Instagram page. I must also encourage and implore you to check out each of the bands mentioned above, ESPECIALLY Luxx (who JUST released a new single) and Ill Intentions (who recently dropped a sick debut album).
I'd say that rock isn't quite dead, it has just evolved into quite the gnarly new breed.