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Writer's pictureSheldon Hubbard

“I Will Never Leave You:” A Review of Deathtax’s Vehemet Debut

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

Something Of the Lot has come this way, and it’s definitely wicked as all get out. Some of the same sizzly hot pan grease that brought you Louisiana Lot Lizards bubbles up with the same bottomless ferocity that is now known as Deathtax. Along with them they bring forth an incredible transitory sound. Something that is reminiscent of the hulking mass that was previously LLL; just now fused with some deeper, deathier notes.

“Mother” blasts in with a dastardly heave. Providing an epic onslaught of down-tuned riffage. Providing a satisfying cascade of notation that topples over itself that presses you toward a staticky surge that morphs into the next track, “Old Blood.” Which oozes with jarring, punky cluster-bomb drum slaps. Melded with urgent and pulverizing strings, it generates a seamless, flesh flailing splice of three minutes and thirty-two seconds.

Then along comes a drone of white noise and you are suddenly projected into a vigorous title track, “I Will Never Leave You.” It's a grizzly swarm of hybrid-core sound. Magmic riffs score your ears while maniacal, almost mathy, drums reverberate your lobes...then before you know it you’re propelled even further by the crisp, chaotic vocalization. After being met with a similar storm of sound from the beginning of the track, we trudge upon an entrancing tempo shift. Something that stuns you softly before heaving vocals sweep back in to help carry you over the bridge into sweet, sweet oblivion.

“...when all went black, I could finally dream…”

Deathtax. Deathtax. Deathtax… whether yer saying it to remember their name, because you dig their sound and enjoy what they’re doing, or you’re already Of the Lot and are breakin’ yer neck to ‘em often… you’ll find that this next chapter from the Lot isn’t necessarily a means to an end for LLL… but a reason to incorporate new life through the prospective lenses of these masterminds of core-if-ic metal sound construction.

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