Coining someone (whether they be an artist, musician, entertainer…) an experience has seemingly grown so lackluster and as about as cliché as defining something as…
…or any other number of Google-able adjectives to describe great music and unbridled artistry; but when I tell you that Holliday has crafted something to-be-encountered, it is a truth you will have to just…experience for yourself!
With a talent that bleeds across mediums and various modes of communication, immersing yourself into what Holliday has going on is to truly phase over into this world of his from root to branch to leaf. Through auditory excellence, visual radiance, and an unprecedented aptitude for collaborative covalence, Holliday’s aim isn’t to only push and inspire himself…but to act as a vessel for his respective medium(s) to open up opportunity and possibility from within and throughout.
It is an incredible honor to have the chance to ring in the New Year with a feature and virtual sit down with the Great Alejandro Holliday!
MBM: Welcome man! Thanks for joining me on my blog spot. I suppose my first question is… how did you get started making music?
HOLL: I've always gravitated towards music as a hobby, growing up my father would play the piano at church as a worship leader and I remember sitting in the buildings for days on end listening to them practice. I never thought I would go into music as hard as I am now though. When I started making EDM after I dropped outta college it was really just for fun, but I got obsessed. When I started gaining the confidence to sing on my own tracks, though, a whole new world opened up for me.
MBM: Tell us more about the idea to incorporate your music into, not just a visual aspect, but something with a complete visual experience!
HOLL: I've always been in love with gallery and installation work. My mother is a professional Fine Artist and has been for my whole life. I was exposed to a plethora of mediums and techniques from world wide artists not only from my mom but from the schooling I received at SCGSAH and KCAI. I've always seen art not as multiple entities or disciplines but as tools that serve the artist in a singular (form of) communication. So when it came down to MY art, I've always made it with the purpose of sharing it in the physical world.
MBM: Other than visual and auditory arts, what other interests do you have? (Hiking, biking, got any cool martial arts belts?)
HOLL: You know, earlier in my life I would have given you the answer that since I do like pretty much every art form that hobbies don't really exist for me, BUT with age and experience I definitely value balance a lot more. I will say, my hobbies are working with other people, hanging out with friends, exploring new places and writing.
MBM: No one can predict the future…but with diligence and self-disciple we can at least plan for it! Where do you see the Holliday experience taking you?
HOLL: I've recently had a massive change of heart when it comes to what HOLLIDAY really means. Holliday is an “ installation”, it's an extension of a universe that, starting in 2023, I will be fleshing out in a slow and meticulous way. I know with time and patience it can take me to larger spaces to spread to the world the message that I want to translate through my art. Which is to express yourself freely no matter the cost.
MBM: Finally, what sort of advice would you extend to your contemporaries? Any big news you wanna share?
HOLL: Don't care about what anybody else thinks. Work hard and present when you have something worth showing. Set goals that make sense and execute them. Always be a student and never try to EGO your way through doors. If they don’t wanna play with you, build a bigger playground. Don't be afraid to admit you're not good at something. Focus on the communication and the people will listen. And in terms of big news… 2023 is gonna be AWESOME!
Transparent, honest, wholehearted artistry is magnetic and compelling. It is purely tangible and those who lay witness to it are granted the opportunity to befriend it or keep on truckin’... No matter how many passersby you may (or may not) notice, the beauty of their choice to lay witness to your art or not is that you can still create despite.
To the Moved, all you Holliday-heads, and whoever finds this post upon your gander, I wish you a magnificent 2023! Share your razzles and dazzles. Own your strengths AND your weaknesses. Excel in your kindnesses and absolutely take hold of your gifts and abilities; instill them into your life’s movements. What livens and excites your soul is where you are meant to operate so remember…always create despite!
Many, many thanks again to my new pal Holliday for carving out time for a feature!
Keep up with him and his movements on Instagram, Spotify, and through his Design House Genesis Labs! Until next time, dear Moved! Happy, happy New Year everyone!